(For the record)

Following your advice, I just added the following condition


And now it works fine!

Even if this condition is not included in FindSubversion.cmake, I guess it could be added in the documentation (header) of this file.

Let's see what Tristan says


On Apr 9, 2010, at 11:35 AM, David Cole wrote:

On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Arnaud Gelas <arnaud_ge...@hms.harvard.edu > wrote:

you're right Suversion_WC_INFO should only focus on svn working copy! Such kind of features should be included in a specific module (git-svn one for instance).

I have just checked the documentation of git svn info which returns a lot of important information, but does not support yet git svn info --revision... So, I guess we should wait for this one...

Now regarding Subersion_WC_INFO, could it be modified in such a way that if first check of a svn working copy, send a message status if not and return a default value ?

Just want to make sure, this could be an "expected" behavior...

I think that might be useful... but it is not there in existing cmake releases. So... if a project must use an existing cmake release, it needs to add the check for the working copy (however it thinks best to implement such a thing...) in its own source code.

Modifications to Subversion_WC_INFO should be filtered through its module maintainer. If he thinks it's ok, then it's probably ok.

This page:

...lists "tristan dot carel at gmail dot com" as the FindSubversion module maintainer...

Let's see what he says.



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