On 5/18/2010 7:55 PM, ross hennessy wrote:
I'm then calling ADD_TEST as follows -


I forgot to mention that with CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR I also tried removing
the \ which was escaping the $ so that CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR was evaluated
at cmake time to $(OutDir), but then this didn't seem to get set by
VisualStudio when building the RUN_TESTS target either.

See the new COMMAND style call to add_test:

         add_test(NAME <name> [CONFIGURATIONS [Debug|Release|...]]
                  COMMAND <command> [arg1 [arg2 ...]])

If COMMAND specifies an executable target (created by add_executable)
       it will automatically be replaced by the location of the executable
       created at build time.  If a CONFIGURATIONS option is given then the
       test will be executed only when testing under one of the named

       Arguments after COMMAND may use "generator expressions" with the
       syntax "$<...>".  These expressions are evaluted during build system
       generation and produce information specific to each generated build
       configuration.  Valid expressions are:

         $<CONFIGURATION>          = configuration name
         $<TARGET_FILE:tgt>        = main file (.exe, .so.1.2, .a)
         $<TARGET_LINKER_FILE:tgt> = file used to link (.a, .lib, .so)
         $<TARGET_SONAME_FILE:tgt> = file with soname (.so.3)

where "tgt" is the name of a target. Target file expressions produce a full path, but _DIR and _NAME versions can produce the directory and
       file name components:


       Example usage:

         add_test(NAME mytest
                  COMMAND testDriver --config $<CONFIGURATION>
                                     --exe $<TARGET_FILE:myexe>)

       This creates a test "mytest" whose command runs a testDriver tool
       passing the configuration name and the full path to the executable
       file produced by target "myexe".
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