On 20. May, 2010, at 10:58 , Lucian Goron wrote:

> I now have lucid lynx and I am struggling to get my old code to work on this
> system
> anyway, when I compile some of it I get:
> luc...@schwarz:~/work/ransac$ make
> Linking CXX executable elevationMap
> CMakeFiles/elevationMap.dir/home/lucian/work/common/CommonVTKRoutines.cc.o:
> In function `Create2xRenderWindowAndInteractorMovie(vtkRenderer*,
> vtkRenderer*, char const*, char const*, int, int, int)':
> CommonVTKRoutines.cc:(.text+0xa720): undefined reference to
> `vtkFFMPEGWriter::New()'
> CMakeFiles/elevationMap.dir/home/lucian/work/common/CommonVTKRoutines.cc.o:
> In function `Create4xRenderWindowAndInteractorMovie(vtkRenderer*,
> vtkRenderer*, vtkRenderer*, vtkRenderer*, char const*, char const*, int,
> int, int)':
> CommonVTKRoutines.cc:(.text+0xad84): undefined reference to
> `vtkFFMPEGWriter::New()'
> CMakeFiles/elevationMap.dir/home/lucian/work/common/CommonVTKRoutines.cc.o:
> In function `CreateRenderWindowAndInteractorMovie(vtkRenderer*, char const*,
> char const*, int, int, int)':
> CommonVTKRoutines.cc:(.text+0xb6e3): undefined reference to
> `vtkFFMPEGWriter::New()'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [elevationMap] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/elevationMap.dir/all] Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> luc...@schwarz:~/work/ransac$
> I know, I have a problem with the ffmpeg library...
> But my questions is, in someway very stupid, related to the
> (.text+0xa720)
> part, what does it mean, wasn't it supposed to show me the line number where
> the error occurs in
> /home/lucian/work/common/CommonVTKRoutines.cc
> how can I see the line numbers ?
> -- 
> MSc., Eng. Lucian GORON, PhD. Student
> Robotic Research Group, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
> 71-73 Dorobantilor Street, Room C24, 400609 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
> 0040 264 401267 (office), 0040 727 361624 (mobile)
> lucian.go...@aut.utcluj.ro
> rrg.utcluj.ro

Did you do this with an old build tree? I.e. created it under Ubuntu 9.10, 
compiled, upgraded Ubuntu to 10.04 and now try to compile again? In that case 
my advice is to start from a fresh build tree... Probably the name-mangling 
scheme of your compiler changed and now linking fails because the new compiler 
can't cope with the symbol names created by the old compiler when writing the 
object files.


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