
I am currently working on a basic generator for the NetBeans 6.9 IDE. At 
http://www.cmake.org/Bug/view.php?id=7632, Alex Neundorf writes:

"[...] have a look at cmExtraEclipseCDT4Generator.(h|cxx) and 
cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.(h|cxx), they are executed *additionally to the 
normal makefile generator* and generate projects files for the generated 
makefiles [...]"

I am pretty sure that a NetBeans generator would not need to generate a 
makefile at all, since NetBeans will do this using its own project files. I 
believe it will be enough to generate NetBeans' "project.xml" and 
"configurations.xml" files.

Thus, I am more inclined to go with Bill Hoffman's suggestion:

"[...] create some sub-classes of local and global generators [...]"

Is there any documentation on the topic of local and global generators? I.e. 
what is the difference between those two? Which classes would I have to 
subclass? (I am thinking cmGlobalGenerator and cmLocalGenerator, maybe have a 
look at the corresponding VS7.1 implementations of these.)

Any comments and hints appreciated,


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