2010/5/31 Sebastian Meier <sebastianmeie...@gmx.de>:
> Update.
> My allocated time slot for looking into a NetBeans generator has finished. My 
> impression is that patching CMake to suit our company's needs would be fairly 
> easy. I have actually gotten quite far with that.
> But OTOH this easy way would be merely a hack that would benefit no one but 
> us. I will recommend a more general approach that would be of use to other 
> people as well and hope I'll get some more time for that.

May be you can share the hack as a patch on the bug tracker.
May be it's unusable as-is but it may already contain valuable
information for anyone wanting
to tale over?

> P.S.: I have still not entirely grasped how to properly respond to e-mails on 
> this mailing list so that they appear in the right place. Please excuse me 
> for this. I guess I'm more used to forums etc.

Reply-to-all then strip eventual list of individuals which gets cc
along the ML thread.
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