On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 06:30:25PM +0200, Eric Noulard wrote:
> 2010/6/18 Tyler Roscoe <ty...@cryptio.net>:
> > 1. I want to change where "make package" deposits the packages it
> > creates.  Is there a way to do this -- some cpack variable I haven't
> > found?
> No variable I am aware of.
> However you may create a custom target which call make package and then
> move the file, provided you know the name of the generated file ....

The frustrating part here is that I can't add_dependencies or post-build
custom_commands to the PACKAGE target because it is a "magic" CMake
target. I suppose I can look into writing a custom_command that runs
cpack with appropriate arguments, but I hoped to avoid this step.

> > but how do I calculate "some_extension"? Is there some mapping between 
> > package type
> > (TGZ, ZIP, NSIS) and the extension it ends up with (.tar.gz, .zip,
> > .exe)?
> Concerning the extension, it is  fixed in the C++ code of the generator
> in the GetOutputExtension method:

Yeah, I was afraid of this. Looks like I'll need to maintain my own
mapping of cpack generator types -> extensions on disk.

Thanks for your help, Eric.

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