> The new-fashioned way is to set CTEST_BUILD_NAME in your 
> ctest -S script prior to ctest_configure, ctest_build and 
> ctest_submit...
> set(CTEST_BUILD_NAME "myBuildName")

Can I also do this in my CMakeLists.txt file?  I guess I'm unclear on whether 
or not there aer some things that can *only* be done in the "ctest -S" script.

> Where were you reading the ctest manpage that talks about 
> setting CMAKE_SYSTEM and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variables?? What 
> version of ctest? That is completely incorrect, and if it's 
> in the official ctest documentation, we should fix that and 
> remove the incorrect information. Can you please reply and 
> tell me how you found this incorrect information...?

I'm using CMake 2.8.0, which is what Ubuntu 9.10 supplies.

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