Am Freitag, den 18.06.2010, 10:46 -0400 schrieb David Cole:

> I am guessing (hopefully you will confirm) that you are using the VS
> Express 2010 version? (As opposed to an earlier version of VS
> Express...?)
Yes, VS Express 2010 only.
> We fixed an issue that we reproduced using another source tree, and
> pushed the fix to CMake 'next' last night.
> Could you try the nightly installer found here:
I installed it.
> And let us know if that fixes this issue for you?

Yes, excellent, these fixes work for me, but may not for you.

If you delete the content of the build directory,
run the gui-cmake version,
starts VS Express,
hit the F7-key,
then CMake rerun with the following message:
CMake is re-running because C:\Program Files\CMake 2.8\CMakeFiles
\generate.stamp dependency file is missing.
This happens only, if the contents of build directory is deleted.

As I said in one of my posts last week, I appreciate this, because it
simplifies the search for MS-libs/headers.


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