Some small additions to the path information I posted below:

I believe the original GNU/POSIX runtime libraries for the compute nodes are 
located here:


So you'll need this directory in your prefixes to detect things like libpthread 
(which you ned for MPI on BG/P).  BG/P also has added support for python apps 
to execute on the compute nodes, and the IBM driver ships with a python 
installation.  For whatever reason, they install the CNK python runtime 
libraries it in under this prefix:


That will need to be in your paths for python development.  I'm unsure if 
anyone's done much in CMake involving cross-compiling python builds, and I'm 
pretty unfamiliar with how CMake deals with python projects.  I'm assuming the 
python support in CMake knows how to search lib/python<VERSION> directories, 
but I'm not sure if there is more that would needs to be done to get python 
working seamlessly.


On Jun 25, 2010, at 4:08 PM, Todd Gamblin wrote:

> This makes sense, but it's actually slightly more complicated for BG/P.  I 
> just got off the phone with our lead BG sysadmin (Adam Bertsch) about this, 
> and here's what I got about the layout of that directory:
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor 
>       This is the root of the BG system software release ("driver" in 
> IBM-speak), and it
>       contains files for the frontends, the I/O nodes, and the compute nodes. 
>  We probably
>       don't want to make this the system root for the backend, because it 
> would allow other
>       types of binaries into the build.
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/mcp-
>       This is the root of the I/O node system image.  This is the 32-bit PPC 
>       linux (pretty sure it's SuSE too) that runs on the I/O nodes (IONs) of 
> BG/P.  I do tools 
>       development, and it's possible to run daemons like TotalView on the 
> IONs, so I might
>       at some point try to make a platform/toolchain file for this, but not 
> in the near future, if 
>       at all.  This shouldn't go in the plain BG/P toolchain file.
>       FYI -- the version number here is the linux kernel version, which 
> *could* change, but
>       typically IBM doesn't upgrade the BG ION kernels during a particular BG 
> product's 
>       lifetime, or at least they haven't yet, for L or P.
> Now, for the Compute Nodes (CNs).  Adam essentially said that there *is* no 
> formal documentation about where you should look to find CN system libraries. 
>  However, there are the MPI compiler scripts in 
> /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin.  These were written by Argonne and are now 
> included with the BG driver distribution, and they have to link against all 
> the BG system libraries.  I ran all the compilers with -show, and unioned all 
> the args I was getting with that command.  This narrows it down to a few 
> directories:
>       /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/default/lib
>       /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/sys/lib
>       /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/runtime/SPI
> That's it.  Those are really the only backend directories that contain 
> libraries used by apps.  The CN Kernel (CNK) OS is minimal, so this makes 
> sense, and if you look in those directories, they contain MPI libs and 
> various lower-level comm APIs like DCMF, which BG uses.  Now, there are also 
> directories for the particular toolchains, and I'm not sure you care about 
> these, because the BG compilers already link against the libraries in these 
> directories.  For GNU, the backend compiler runtime libs are in:
>       /bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/gnu-linux
> And for XL compilers, the runtime libraries seem to be in:
>       /opt/ibmcmp/<compiler>/bg/<version>/bglib

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