On 7/30/10 6:35 AM, Eric Noulard wrote:
Hi All,
I'll try to launch a specific thread for this following what

Kishore said:
I would like to see full support for multiple components in cpack.
David answered:
Could you elaborate on "full support for multiple components in cpack" either 
in another thread,
or in a feature request bug in the bug tracker?

With NSIS on Windows and PackageMaker on Mac, we already have what I would consider 
"full support". Are you talking about
extending that to additional CPack generators or is there something missing 
even in those generators in your opinion?
An explanation on CPack Component may be found here:

As David said currently the only 2 CPack generators which support Components are
    - NSIS
    - PackageMaker

I personally would like a wider support including RPM, DEB, TGZ (and
may be ZIP and other archive-like).
There is at least one bug/feature report/request for that for  CPackRPM:

 From my point of view for the RPM/DEB/archive (TBZ2  TGZ   TZ    ZIP)
COMPONENT installer there is two "global" options:

A) Put all the components in a single archive with some hierarchical
structure inside
     i.e. build a TGZ   whose structure may be;

B) Build as many files as components.

The scheme A) is not quite usable for RPM or DEB
but it is ok for "pure" archive like TBZ2 , TGZ, TZ,  ZIP.

My **personal** opinion is that for this kind of installers I'd rather
go for B).
The current problem with B) is that current  CPack architecture does
not authorize it see:

Like I said in another mail if we tackle the "multiple file problem" we should
be able to solve the "naming convention problem" too, see:

So I would like those 2 bugs (9900, 10736)
solved, which would enable the may-be-easy creation
of full support for CPack COMPONENTs in any case (including bug 7645).

Please comment on those ideas or indicate whether if you agree with my
analysis or not.
Once we have some opinions ideas on this, I'll propose a new/updated
API for CPack generators
concerning this.

I personally would like option B - at the moment I basically work around this by making an OPTION and then putting install commands inside if statements. (Basically, not everybody using my work will want every part of it, and I can anticipate easily the parts that might not be needed - the common case of a runtime system/language that also provides a c/c++ api and headers for more advanced usage.)


Ryan Pavlik
Human-Computer Interaction Graduate Student
Virtual Reality Applications Center
Iowa State University


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