On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Michael Wild <them...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Create a module and share it among your projects, possibly with others. If 
> it's any good it might get included in CMake.

I probably will.

>>>> On Windows, at least build type, run-time and platform.
>>>> But what should and what should not be part of the name doesn't have
>>>> to be fixed. So that's no problem.
>>> Please do explain. How would this work? What would the API be?
>> I don't know yet.
> So, how is it no problem then?

Because I'm quite sure it can be solved.

>>> Why? (See how annoying this is? Normally I expect this kind of 
>>> argumentation/questioning from 4-5 year olds...)
>> Because I don't have to specify the libs to link against myself.
> Yes, you do. Because most people library authors will just refuse to write 
> and maintain an auto_link.hpp

The auto_link you quoted is not library-specific. But it seems you
understand why code duplication is bad.
So there's no need to maintain such an auto_link file.

> For every new version of MSVC, Xcode etc. you have to update the file. 
> Usually you will be lagging behind, and your users even more so. And then 
> they will complain. To you.

See above.

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