On 12. Aug, 2010, at 22:41 , Carlos Gonçalves wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2010/08/12, at 20:15, Chris Wolf wrote:
>> On 8/12/10 10:20 AM, Carlos Gonçalves wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have already looked everywhere possible (so to speak) on how to create a 
>>> Framework + Unix tools as described in [1] but found no examples. So far I 
>>> was able to create a Framework only [2].
>>> I'm trying to add Mac OS X support to GeneratorRunner[3] and my current 
>>> CMakeLists.txt can be viewed in [4]. Any help would be appreciated :-)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Carlos Gonçalves
>>> [1] 
>>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Bundles_And_Frameworks#Framework_.2B_Unix_tools
>>> [2] http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Bundles_And_Frameworks#Framework_only
>>> [3] http://qt.gitorious.org/pyside/generatorrunner
>>> [4] http://pastebin.com/p7CKYP2z
>> I am not certain about your main question - but looking at your code, I see 
>> you have:
>> add_custom_target(dist...
>> ...which creates a file, "ChangeLog.txt" from the git log, then creates an
>> archive.  You only need to create the "ChangeLog.txt" file here; you 
>> don't need to create temp dirs and invoke tar and bzip2 - cpack can
>> do that for you, via the defined package generators.
> That's a custom target to create a new release tarball, so nothing to do with 
> my question :-)
>> For creating source and/or binary archives, just use one of the CPack
>> package generators:
>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:CPackPackageGenerators#TBZ2
>> To create the configured binary package(s), either invoke "make package"
>> or invoke cpack directly:  "cpack"
>> To create the configured source package, either invoke cpack via:
>> "make package_source" or directly via:
>> "cpack --config ./CPackSourceConfig.cmake"
>> Sorry I couldn't answer your "real" question... ;)
> My fault, not yours. Ok, let me explain it better.
> GeneratorRunner builds successfully on Linux and installs just fine. Now, I 
> want to add Mac OS X support on it. Since GeneratorRunner contains an 
> application (generatorrunner) and a library (genrunner) the installation file 
> hierarchy should be, for what I have understand, something equivalent to the 
> example given in 
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Bundles_And_Frameworks#Framework_.2B_Unix_tools
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/genrunner
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Resources
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/genrunner
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/cmake
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/cmake/GeneratorRunner-0.6.1
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/cmake/GeneratorRunner-0.6.1/GeneratorRunnerConfig.cmake
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/cmake/GeneratorRunner-0.6.1/GeneratorRunnerConfigVersion.cmake
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/pkgconfig
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/lib/pkgconfig/generatorrunner.pc
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/Resources
> -- Installing: 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/Resources/Info.plist
> -- Installing: /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/Current
> -- Installing: /Applications/GeneratorRunner/bin/generatorrunner
> My question is mainly about file 
> /Applications/GeneratorRunner/bin/generatorrunner which, although I've set it 
> to be installed there for testing purposes, what I want is it so be installed 
> either in 
> /Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/Commands/generatorrunner
>  or in 
> Library/Frameworks/genrunner.framework/Versions/0.6.1/bin/generatorrunner (I 
> truly don't know what the difference between Commands/ and bin/ is since they 
> both contain executables), but I don't know how to do it. I tried messing 
> with RUNTIME DESTINATION setting it to "bin" but that didn't help.
> Hope I have clarified my question ;-)
> Thanks,
> Carlos Gonçalves

Now you only have to use execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E 
create_symlink ...) to create a symlink somewhere in your build tree that 
points to the executable inside the framework (either using a relative path or 
the absolute install-path) and then install it using install(FILES ...).



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