On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, David Cole <david.c...@kitware.com> wrote:

> The "Generate" button should be enabled after the first configure.
> It's not enabled because the prevailing theory of the day was that you
> shouldn't allow generate unless there were *no* *new* cache entries after
> the most recent configure... -- force users to pay attention to those new
> red entries -- in other words, it's just history and reluctance to change
> behavior that's "always been that way"...
> I've always thought that you should be allowed to generate whenever you
> want to: I'd go so far as to say that "Generate" should be enabled as soon
> as you open cmake-gui, and that, if there have not been *any* configure
> steps, it would do the same thing as command line cmake: configure once and
> generate, all in one click.
> Please reply with more feedback:
> How many of you would:
> - keep the current behavior exactly as is, it's good
> - enable "Generate" unconditionally
> - something in between
> Thanks,
> David

David C.,

I fear all of the votes for "enable generate unconditionally" will never be
cast because the users that really want/need it are not on the CMake mailing
list. I'd like to cast 32 votes by proxy in favor of the unconditional
generate button!


David D.
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