Hello all,

as part of http://vcproj2cmake.sf.net , I've got some "rebuilder"
targets registered which - upon starting a build - automatically re-run
vcproj2cmake on the .vcproj files in case they got updated
and thus need to have a new conversion run to CMakeLists.txt files.

Problem is:
a) the rebuilder targets aren't specifically the first targets to be
b) how to abort ongoing Makefile build execution since we know we
just re-converted things into new CMakeLists.txt files and shouldn't
continue with old content?

a) there's the CMake-internal(?) cmake_check_build_system target which
gets executed right at "all" target, since it needs to launch a new
configure run in case CMakeLists.txt files changed since last make run.
I'd like to have a hook target to make sure that a "rebuilder" target
happens right at the very beginning of a non-target make execution
(or, perhaps I'd want it so that nothing _else_ gets executed before
the rebuilder target has finished execution).
((ok, I could perhaps just make all my vcproj2cmake-registered project targets
depend on their specific rebuilder target))

add_dependencies(all cmakelists_PROJECT_rebuilder)
(or probably better using the ALL keyword during
cmakelists_PROJECT_rebuilder creation) perhaps doesn't fully cut it.

b) how to actively (and "successfully") fail-abort after successful conversion
of .vcproj hierarchy to CMakeLists.txt files, to make sure that CMake won't
continue executing the current (i.e., old) iteration?
Or, even better, would it be possible to have a way to tell CMake to
re-start everything right in this live CMake instance?
(likely not since this probably is a generator-dependent issue, not under 
control of CMake itself)

Or well, ideally there would be a way to have a nice clean chain between
starting CMake execution, realizing that vcproj2cmake needs to process an 
_then_ realizing that CMakeLists.txt changed and starting a configure
run, and then continuing with make execution. IOW, I simply need to find
a way to have my vcproj2cmake rebuild step cleanly registered _right
before_ the cmake_check_build_system step.

Any clever ideas?

Currently using 2.6.4 mostly, but that's certainly not a limiting issue.


Andreas Mohr
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