Hi David

Thanks very much - I will give that a try. By the way, we are building on Linux 

If I specify compiler flags in my top level CMakeLists file, I guess that the 
lower level ones will inherit those settings and store them in their local 
caches. Then a lower level CMake may be performed manually and still inherit 
those settings. But this would require the top-level CMakeLists file to have 
been executed at some point previously. Am I correct?

We store our code in svn. Followiing a clean checkout of the code, is there a 
way that I can ensure that a developer has executed the top level makefile 
before attempting to invoke individual library makefiles, so that he can be 
sure that he has the correct compiler flags?

(We achieved this previously by including a top-level settings file in each 

Best regards


From: David Cole [mailto:david.c...@kitware.com]
Sent: 16 September 2010 11:58
To: David Aldrich
Cc: cmake@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] Question regarding project structure

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:45 AM, David Aldrich 
<david.aldr...@eu.nec.com<mailto:david.aldr...@eu.nec.com>> wrote:

I have now successfully configured CMakeLists files to create some of our 
static and dynamic libraries using CMake.  I would now like some advice on how 
to configure these separate build files as a single project.

Here's what our current folder structure is like:

Trunk ------- Kernel      <==== a static library containing main()
        |--- DynLibs     <==== containg multiple folders containing
        |                      proprietary source code, each folder
        |                      builds one shared library
        |--- MyExe       <==== contains top-level makefile that
                               a) links Kernel static library into an .exe
                               b) calls makefiles for the dynamic libraries

This structure may not be ideal from a CMake standpoint, but I would like to 
maintain it to ease the transition from pure gnu make to CMake.

CMake is flexible about where source files are located. This structure looks 
perfectly reasonable.

What would I need to put in the top-level CMakeLists file 
(MyExe/CMakeLists.txt) to reference the other CMakeLists files?

Something like this should work:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

add_subdirectory(../Kernel Kernel)
add_subdirectory(../DynLibs DynLibs)

add_executable(MyExe exe.cxx)
target_link_libraries(MyExe Kernel)

If your DynLibs build dll files on Windows, the easiest way to get them to load 
into the exe is to use the RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY target property. (Just put 
the exe and the dlls all in the same folder with each other...)

Or just once in your top level CMakeLists, the CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY 

Should each CMakeLists file have its own Project name, or should they all be 
the same?

Only the top one *needs* a project command, but if you do have project commands 
in your other CMakeLists.txt files, they should definitely each be unique.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Best regards

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