On 24. Sep, 2010, at 12:36 , Laszlo Papp wrote:

> Hi,
> What is wrong about the following CMakeLists.txt file ? I would like
> to generate manual pages, like this project does with autotools:
> http://projects.archlinux.org/pacman.git/tree/doc/Makefile.am
> Thank you in advance!
> ========================================================================================
> hacky.8
> akabei-create-db.8
> akabei.conf.5
> akabei.3
> )
> set(A2X_OPTS
> -no-xmllint
> -d manpage
> -f manpage
> --xsltproc-opts='-param man.endnotes.list.enabled 0 -param
> man.endnotes.are.numbered 0'
> )
> foreach(manpage ${ASCIIDOC_MANS})
> add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${manpage}
>                                       COMMAND a2x ${A2X_OPTS}
> --asciidoc-opts="${AKABEI_VERSION_STRING}" ${manpage}.txt
>                                       VERBATIM)
> endforeach(manpage)
> # install(FILES akabei.3.gz DESTINATION ${MAN_INSTALL_DIR}/man3/)
> # install(FILES akabei.conf.5.gz DESTINATION ${MAN_INSTALL_DIR}/man5/)
> # install(FILES hacky.8.gz DESTINATION ${MAN_INSTALL_DIR}/man8/)
> Best Regards,
> Laszlo Papp

You need a top-level target that depends on the individual manpages:

add_custom_target(man ALL



There is always a well-known solution to every human problem -- neat, 
plausible, and wrong.
H. L. Mencken

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