2010/10/1  <fat...@crackmonkey.us>:
> Hi list,
> I Googled for this but didn't find anything.
> CMake is integrating well with Buildbot to make a sort of poor-man's
> build farm. The one thing I can't seem to work out is a crossplatform
> way to upload CPack-built packages (Windows and Linux) to a web server
> (Ubuntu).

that's true you have file(DOWNLOAD ...) (which internally uses libcurl)
so it should be fairly easy to add file(UPLOAD ...) but currently
AFAIK this does not exists...
may be worth a feature request.

> The target web server supports SSH, SCP, DAV and possibly NFS.
> Any ideas? Or should I be asking Buildbot's mailing list?

I don't know or use buildbot but it appears to be written in python so may
I guess python may be required when using build bot.
May be using some 100% python SSH lib (in order to be cross platform)
like paramiko
(http://www.lag.net/paramiko/) is doable in order to transfer your
files using scp.

You may call your python scp script from CMake using execute_process
after a find_package(PythonInterp).

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