On 10/04/2010 11:15 PM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> On 04/10/10 14:24, Michael Hertling wrote:
>> On 10/04/2010 10:53 AM, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>>> On 04/10/10 07:33, J Decker wrote:
>>>> CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME I don't know if there's a simple flag like
>>>> 'project supports multiple targets' so I have an if(MSVC) set(
>>>> MULTI_TARGET) endif()  .... if( MULTI_TARGET ) Install( targets ...
>>>> ${CMAKE_INSTALL_CONFIG_NAME ) else() isntall( ... ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}
>>> I need it before firing up install procedures.
>>> I build.
>>> I run tests (here I need to know location of build output per target).
>> Have you already taken a look at ADD_TEST()'s generator expressions like
>> $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt>? AFAIK, they've been introduced quite exactly to
>> meet requirements such as yours.
> Hmm, I've seen this expressions, but I'm not sure how it can be useful
> because the expressions are used to generate test input.
> My problem is about getting property to generate environment
> for test before it is executed:
> In one subtree of my sources, I have mylib target building mylib.dll
> In another subtree, I have test. Next, I build and run test:
> add_executable(mytest test.cpp)
> target_link_libraries(mytest mylib_import.lib)
> add_test(mytest ${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/mytest)
> set_tests_properties(mytest PROPERTIES
>   ENVIRONMENT "PATH=c:\path\to\dir\with\mylib.dll\")
> I need to figure out this: "c:\path\to\dir\with\mylib.dll\"

You might consider to use a script as a test driver which takes
the desired path and the test executable as parameters, e.g.

    testdriver $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:mylib> $<TARGET_FILE:mytest>)

with testdriver setting the PATH and executing mytest.


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