Hello folks,

I would like to submit a patch to the Visual Studio 2010 generator, about the 
property TargetName. The issue is with target names that contain more than one 
dot in it. For example, if your project target name is "hello-10.2.3.dll" then 
TargetName get set to "hello-10". It should have been set to "hello-10.2.3".

I propose the following fix:

cmVisualStudio10TargetGenerator.cxx : around line 841

     this->WritePlatformConfigTag("IntDir", config->c_str(), 3);
     *this->BuildFileStream << intermediateDir
                            << "</IntDir>\n";
     this->WritePlatformConfigTag("TargetName", config->c_str(), 3);
+    *this->BuildFileStream << cmSystemTools::GetFilenameWithoutLastExtension(
                            << "</TargetName>\n";

Very quick fix, I simply changed GetFilenameWithoutExtension() for 

Thank you!

Robert Goulet
Software Development Manager
Autodesk Media & Entertainment

Autodesk, Inc.
10 Duke
Montreal, QC H3C 2L7

Direct 514 954-3911


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