On 11/19/2010 03:31 AM, Hendrik Sattler wrote:
> Zitat von luxInteg <lux-in...@btconnect.com>:
>>  I am learning  cmake
>>  I downloaded CMakeUseLatex from
>> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMakeUserUseLATEX
>> and I scanned through the pdf file but I did not see any references
>> to  TEX
>> binaries  such  docbook2html, dblatex etc.  So lets say  I have a
>> couple a
>> docbook_xml files   xyxy.docbook abab.docbook
> You can use this module:
> http://gitorious.org/openobex/mainline/blobs/master/CMakeModules/FindDocbook.cmake
> http://gitorious.org/openobex/mainline/blobs/master/CMakeModules/UseDocbook.cmake
> which need (Find|Use)Xslt.cmake.
> It needs some improvements but works pretty well for manpage and HTML
> generation. PDF generation can be added with fop.
> You need a XSLT1.1 program (xsltproc, saxon6.5.x or xalan2.x).
> HS

Those look quite interesting.  Looking at the toplevel project, it
appears to be GPL - is there any chance you could license those specific
files under the same license as CMake?  Perhaps they could be polished
into Docbook modules that we could propose for inclusion in CMake
proper, if that is of interest to the Kitware guys.

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