On Wednesday 24 November 2010 16:33:24 David Cole wrote:
> The example that demonstrates how to use BundleUtilities contains a Qt
> app. See the CMakeLists file in that project for clues about how to
> structure a Qt application.
> See also CMake itself, in the CMake/Source/QtDialog. And ParaView, too
> -- it's a Qt app.
> Start with the example, though, it's much simpler than either CMake or
> ParaView.
Thanks  but my interest is   how to port from qmake to   cmake. The example I 
gave was a simple project with two files  with one file being transformed    
into another prepended by 'moc' via qmake  (Please see below):-

 Lets say I have a  project that uses qmake  with the following files
  to compile into   some library  libTESTcpp.a.  After running qmake   and
 make the build-log reveals:-
 compiled file1.cpp
 cpmpiled file2.cpp
 compiled moc/moc_file2.cpp
 archived *.o  ino libTESTcpp.a.
I merely wnat to know how to generate    moc/moc_file2.cpp
I.E   whether:-

 a)  the  transformation for file2.cpp  to moc/moc_file2.cpp be
  manually done  as per:-
 configure_file(../src/file2.cpp ../src/moc/moc_file2.cpp @COPYONLY)  ?
 b) OR  it done otherwise and if so how so?
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