On 21 December 2010 16:41, Clinton Stimpson <clin...@elemtech.com> wrote:
> Would you prefer having a set of variables that point to the dlls, or would
> you rather have a function that takes a list of Qt modules and copies the
> necessary plugins for those Qt modules to a certain location?
> It seems the latter is more desirable, and probably doesn't depend on the
> former.  If the latter, should it also do a qt.conf file as well?

I think both would be useful. The latter could be in a BundleUtilities
equivalent specialised for Qt applications (something I'd love to help
develop) and is basically what macdeployqt does.

I think it would be good to be able to be pretty automated (e.g.
plugins for each modules) but there's also a good use-case for
providing full plugin paths through the FindQt4.cmake module, in my
opinion. You could just add a mapping on top of that of what plugins
"belong" to what modules.

Mike McQuaid
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