> On Tuesday 11 January 2011 16:01:14 Andrea Galeazzi wrote:
> > Hi Andreas,
> Hi Andrea,
> > I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Java developer (and also Fedora user) so it makes
> > me very happy to know that someone are working to integrate Java in
> > CMake. My question is: shouldn't Ant be enough? Or better, Could
> > invoking an Ant file as pre/post build command in CMakeLists always
> > accomplish any kind of build requirement?
> a) As I've said before this is a C, C++ and Java project. I don't think
> that ant supports C or C++

Have a look at gluegen/jogl/joal for some examples of using ant to build 
C/C++. it is certainly possible.

> b) I don't like XML and this is why I would never use ant.

Can't help much with that one :)

> c) I don't see a reason to use ant when CMake ist able to do the same the
> way I like and prefer.

If only this was truer for C#/.NET

>       -- andreas
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