Right click on "textureBackProjection" and choose "Set as StartUp
Project" -- after that, F5 will launch the executable for that

If you are receiving error messages at launch after doing that, then
please send them along so we can help you get further along...


On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 8:36 PM, Srimal Jayawardena <srim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks for the wonderful tool.
> I'm fairly new to cmake and had this problem.
> I'm using cmake 2.8.3 and my code builds and runs well in Linux but
> has the following problems in MS Visual Studio 2010 (Express) in
> Windows XP.
> I cant run/debug the project by pressing (F5) although it does build
> solution (F7) works without errors.
> When I try to run/debug it seems to try to run a program called
> 'ALL_BUILD) (which doesnt exisit).
> Also I see three projects in my solution :
> -  'textureBackProjection' (this is the correct executable file
> mentioend in the CMakeLists.txt and
> ALL_BUILDS is set as the start up project.
> If can change the start up project to 'textureBackProjection' by right
> clicking pressing F5 to run/debug complains of a whole load of missing
> PDB files for some windows dll files.
> However, the executable is built as textureBackProjection.exe and this
> runs OK  when clicked outside of MSVC.
> Have I done something wrong that it won't run/debug inside Visual Studio 
> 2010?.
> Here is my simple CMakeLists.txt file:
> # CMakeLists.txt - Uses Cmake to make cross platform builds
> # Srimal wrote this on  24/01/2011
> cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
> project (TEXMAP)
> INCLUDE (CheckIncludeFiles)
> #Set flags to include platform specific header files
> #use OpenGL and GLUT
> find_package(OpenGL)
> find_package(GLUT)
> #specify executable with source files needed
> add_executable (textureBackprojection textureBackprojection.cpp
> glmimg.cpp Texture.cpp glm.cpp)
> # Link the executable to  library.
> target_link_libraries (textureBackprojection glut)
> Am I missing something here?
> Thanks in advance
> Srimal.
> --
> ~
> Srimal Jayawardena
> BSc (Engineering), BIT, MIET
> PhD Candidate
> Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering
> College of Engineering and Computer Science
> Building 115, Corner of North and Daley Roads
> Australian National University
> T: +61 2 6125 1771
> M: +61 422 684 854
> F: +61 2 6125 8651
> http://users.cecs.anu.edu.au/~srimalj/
> http://srimal.sri-lankan.net/
> http://srimal-techdiary.blogspot.com/
> 'My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable
> superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able
> to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.' - Albert Einstein
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