On 25.01.11 19:09:23, luxInteg wrote:
> On Tuesday 25 January 2011 07:53:24 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 25.01.11 02:57:27, luxInteg wrote:
> > > Greetings
> > > 
> > > I am learning cmake
> > > 
> > > consider my project  with  two directories  dir1 and dir2
> > > 
> > > if I want to:-
> > > move to dir1 and  add a library libA  in dir1
> > > move to dir2 and  add a library libB  in dir2
> > > move back to dir1 and add a test  testA in dir1
> > > move back to dir2 and add a test  testB to dir2
> > > 
> > > 
> > > (the moving back is because of  the  interdependencies  of the tests with
> > > the libraries  i.e.       testA reaquires libB etc))
> > > 
> > > how do I do this?
> > 
> > You don't. All you need is 2 CMakeLists.txt, one in dir1 with libA and
> > testA targets and the other in dir2 with libB and testB targets. CMake
> > as a declarative language (to a certain extent) does not depend on the
> > order in which you declare targets and use them.
> Before  I made my posting, I tried a setup (as you suggested)  but with more 
> than two directories -lets call this N
> my extended setup  had   dir1 ......dirN 
> each with 
> add_library(someLIB     ${sourceFiles(1...N)})
> add_depedencies(someLIB someTEST)

So your library depends on the test? This doesn't look like it makes
much sense. Also cmake will already take care of dependencies via

> then
> add_test(someTEST   someFILE(1...N).c )

This is actually not going to do anything useful, add_test expects an
executable or the name of a target created by add_executable.

> Basically I have to build a set of tests after building some static libraries 
> and some of these tests require linking to  libraries  that occur much later 
> in the   build-scheme.  {In other words libA.a might be built and testA 
> (built 
> in the same directory as liba.A}  but it   requires linking not only to 
> libA.a 
> but to   the 'later-built'  libN.a) 

As I said, this works just fine if you let cmake handle the
dependencies via add_library+add_executable+add_test. 

If you still can't make it work, please try out the attached project and
try to make it break by adding more targets, dependencies or source
files and then post the resulting project.


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