On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 5:32 PM, Eric Noulard <eric.noul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/3/5 Laszlo Papp <djsz...@archlinux.us>:
>> Well, first I cannot build :)
> I thought you were already using CPack for Deb package?
> If you never used a cross-compiling setup with CMake then
> read this first:
> http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_Cross_Compiling

Meanwhile it can solves the problem, I think there should a developer
awareless solution. Can you solve it in a smarter way in the future,
please ?

We have just discussed it on the #meego channel:
19:05 < thiago> djszapi: tell cmake to pass the -march=armv7-a flag to
the compiler
19:05 < thiago> that's your answer
19:05 < djszapi> carstenek: also it was not fair sometimes on #meego.fi either.
19:05 -!- JPohlmann [~jannis@xfce/core-developer/JPohlmann] has joined #meego
19:05 -!- seg [~r...@75-63-28-213.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has
quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:05 < djszapi> thiago: yeah, toolchain file...
19:05 < djszapi> but the problem is that all the developers should
aware of that.
19:05 < thiago> yes
19:05 < thiago> which means it's a toolchain problem
19:06 < djszapi> still not handy like in case sb :p
19:06 < thiago> or, more to the point: Qt has hardcoded instructions
to use ARMv6 instructions
19:06 < thiago> qmake is configured to know to pass the flag
19:06 < thiago> everything else that uses Qt needs to know that too
19:07 < djszapi> yes, but I would be more glad about hiding it from
the developer :o
19:07 < thiago> so teach cmake to extract the info from qmake and use it
19:08 < djszapi> so propose something to the cmake developers.
19:08 < thiago> yes, you should propose something to them

Best Regards,
Laszlo Papp
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