Jc- I already tried that, which is why I ended up with the ordering I did. Originally, with FeatureViewer first, I figured CMake would "know about" the dependent VTK libraries by the time it got to TestDriver, thereby enabling the undesired behavior. I then put TestDriver first, hoping that it would generate a project file to build against FeatureViewer without having gone into the subdirectory to find out about FeatureViewer's VTK dependencies. But, alas, clearly it must descend into FeatureViewer anyway before actually generating the project file for TestDriver in order for it to know where to find the FeatureViewer library. So, clearly, it must go through a "gather all information" pass before it embarks on the "generate all project files" pass.
So, my options at this point appear to be: 1. Generate the project files, remove the VTK lib dependencies from TestDriver, and divorce myself from CMake at this point, doing all further project modifications (e.g. new classes/sources) directly within Visual Studio, or... 2. Continue working within CMake, and continually remove the VTK lib dependencies each time I re-run CMake (a pain). I'm amazed that nobody has ever experienced this problem before. It seems like a very natural thing to want to do. Thanks for the quick response. -Chris From: Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin [mailto:jchris.filli...@kitware.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2011 2:41 PM To: Chris Volpe ARA/SED Cc: cmake@cmake.org Subject: Re: [CMake] Building a DLL and test driver EXE using CMake -- error by design? Hi Chris, Try to change the order of the ADD_DUBDIRECTORY. add_subdirectory(FeatureViewer) add_subdirectory(TestDriver) instead of add_subdirectory(TestDriver) add_subdirectory(FeatureViewer) As mentioned in the doc<http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake-2-8-docs.html#command:add_subdirectory>: "The CMakeLists.txt file in the specified source directory will be processed immediately by CMake before processing in the current input file continues beyond this command." Changing the order of subdirectory will ensure that FeatureViewer dll is built before TestDriver ... Jc On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Chris Volpe ARA/SED <cvo...@ara.com<mailto:cvo...@ara.com>> wrote: I posted this question in the VTK Users mailing list originally, but have since determined that it is more of a CMake issue than a VTK issue, and the involvement of VTK is only tangential. I am trying to set up a source tree which will allow CMake to create a MSVC++ .sln file that contains the following two projects: 1. A DLL (called "FeatureViewer") containing a vanilla C++ class that links against several VTK kits (Graphics, Rendering, and Hybrid). 2. An EXE (called "TestDriver") that links against the aforementioned library containing the vanilla C++ class. I want to deliver the DLL, LIB, and class header file from (1) above (as well as the dependent VTK DLLs) to a co-worker who has his own application and wants to use the functionality I'm encapsulating, but he doesn't want to "vtk-ify" his build process. The EXE in (2) above is simply my test driver for (1). My problem is that the EXE won't build because the generated project is spuriously looking for vtk libraries (e.g. vtkGraphics.lib et. al.) at link time that it doesn't directly reference, and it doesn't know where to find them. The EXE shouldn't need to know about them because their use is strictly within the FeatureViewer library. If I go into the EXE project properties and manually delete the references to vtkGraphics.lib et. al. from the linker->input->additional-dependencies list, it works. At first, I thought I was just doing something wrong in my CMakeLists.txt files, but page 25 of the CMake User's Guide suggests that this behavior is by design. The example given is: add_library(foo foo.cxx) target_link_libraries(foo bar) add_executable(foobar foobar.cxx) target_link_libraries(foobar foo) The text below the example states, "This will link the libraries foo and bar into the executable foobar even [sic], although only foo was explicitly linked into foobar. With shared or DLL builds this linking is not always needed, but the extra linkage is harmless." It seems to me that this extra linkage is not harmless: I don't want clients of FeatureViewer to have to know about vtkGraphics.lib et. al., but CMake is creating a spurious reference. Can someone provide a work-around? My CMakeLists.txt files look like this: Top Level: CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.4) IF(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) CMAKE_POLICY(SET CMP0003 NEW) ENDIF(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) PROJECT(FeatureViewer) add_subdirectory(TestDriver) add_subdirectory(FeatureViewer) FeatureViewer: SET (FeatureViewer_SRCS FeatureViewer.cxx ) IF(NOT VTK_BINARY_DIR) FIND_PACKAGE(VTK REQUIRED) IF(NOT VTK_USE_RENDERING) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Example ${PROJECT_NAME} requires VTK_USE_RENDERING.") ENDIF(NOT VTK_USE_RENDERING) INCLUDE(${VTK_USE_FILE}) ENDIF(NOT VTK_BINARY_DIR) ADD_LIBRARY(FeatureViewer SHARED ${FeatureViewer_SRCS}) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(FeatureViewer vtkGraphics vtkRendering vtkHybrid) TestDriver: ADD_EXECUTABLE(TestDriver TestDriver.cxx) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(TestDriver FeatureViewer) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${FeatureViewer_SOURCE_DIR}/FeatureViewer) Thanks in advance!! Chris -- Christopher R. Volpe, Ph.D. Email: cvo...@ara.com<mailto:cvo...@ara.com> Senior Scientist, Information Exploitation Systems Main Desk: 919-582-3300 Applied Research Associates, Inc<http://www.ara.com/> Direct: 919-582-3380 8537 Six Forks Rd., Suite 6000 Fax : 919-582-3301 Raleigh, NC 27615 Web: http://www.ara.com/offices/NC.htm _______________________________________________ Powered by www.kitware.com<http://www.kitware.com> Visit other Kitware open-source projects at http://www.kitware.com/opensource/opensource.html Please keep messages on-topic and check the CMake FAQ at: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake_FAQ Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe: http://www.cmake.org/mailman/listinfo/cmake -- +1 919 869 8849
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