There're two spots in your A/CMakeLists.txt catching my eye, although I
doubt that they are actually causing the difficulties you report on:

1) The DEPENDS clause of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET() is meant for file-level
  dependencies only, i.e. you shouldn't denote a target as target_aa
  but files and particularly OUTPUTs of custom commands as target_ab
  after that clause. Instead, you should use ADD_DEPENDENCIES() to
  establish a dependency of target_a on target_aa.
2) When dealing with custom commands' OUTPUTs, it's best to specify
  full paths since it is hardly documented how relative paths are
  interpreted, i.e. relative to the source directory or the build
  tree. AFAIK, it's ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ...) only that - in
  a documented manner - interprets a relative OUTPUT path w.r.t.

Having said that, with a Makefile generator, your projects A and B
indeed work as one would usually expect, despite the limitation of
the ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET() command's DEPENDS clause mentioned in the
documentation, but perhaps, the Xcode generator or Xcode itself
is pickier.

I changed the CMakeLists.txt files as can bee seen at the bottom of the email. I hope this resolves both points you described above. However, the problem persists.

Is this the limitation you mention: "Dependencies listed with the DEPENDS argument may reference files and outputs of custom commands created with add_custom_command() in the same directory (CMakeLists.txt file)."? The way I understand it, my "add_custom_target()" statement references only files generated in the same CMakeLists.txt. The documentation does not explicitely limit a target from another CMakeLists.txt file depending indirectly on generated files.

To clarify whether the problem is in Xcode or the generator, I grepped for target_ab in a build directory for Xcode and one for Makefiles. The results can also be found at the bottom of the email. As can be seen, target_ab does not occur in combination with target_b. I also grepped for "target_a" (the results are ommitted for their longness) and target_a does not occur in any files related to target_b either. So it appears that the Xcode generator does not realize that I want it to build target_a when building target_b in the B.xcodeproj file.

The question now is whether there is a way to tell the generator to do what I want. If it is not possible to do so: Would extending the generator to do what I want be correct or am I asking for something that should not be supported?


$ cat CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(target_aa target_aa.cpp)
add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/target_ab COMMAND touch ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/target_ab) add_custom_target(target_a DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ target_ab)
add_dependencies(target_a target_aa)

$ cat B/CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
add_executable(target_b target_b.cpp)
add_dependencies(target_b target_a)

Makefiles $ grep -Ri target_ab .
./B/CMakeFiles/target_b.dir/CXX.includecache:/Users/manuel/Development/ Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A/B/../target_ab
./B/CMakeFiles/target_b.dir/depend.internal: B/../target_ab
./B/CMakeFiles/target_b.dir/depend.make:B/CMakeFiles/target_b.dir/ target_b.cpp.o: B/../target_ab ./CMakeFiles/CMakeRuleHashes.txt:eb772089b1414de60dae83cdf775c8ef target_ab
./CMakeFiles/target_a.dir/build.make:CMakeFiles/target_a: target_ab
./CMakeFiles/target_a.dir/build.make: @$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_echo_color --switch=$(COLOR) --blue --bold "Generating target_ab"
./CMakeFiles/target_a.dir/build.make:   touch target_ab
./CMakeFiles/target_a.dir/build.make:target_a: target_ab
./CMakeFiles/target_a.dir/cmake_clean.cmake:  "target_ab"

Xcode $ grep -Ri target_ab .
./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeDebug: /Users/manuel/ Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeDebug:/Users/manuel/ Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab:
./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeDebug: touch target_ab
./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeMinSizeRel: /Users/ manuel/Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeMinSizeRel:/Users/ manuel/Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab: ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeMinSizeRel: touch target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelease: /Users/ manuel/Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelease:/Users/manuel/ Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab: ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelease: touch target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelWithDebInfo: / Users/manuel/Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelWithDebInfo:/Users/ manuel/Development/Sandbox/CMakeSandbox/A-build/Xcode/target_ab: ./CMakeScripts/target_a_cmakeRulesBuildPhase.makeRelWithDebInfo: touch target_ab

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