Hi all,

I've just put my hand on a Mac OS host in order to port some project.
After struggling with XCode, CMake and other mac port install
I manage to compile my project, not too bad.

I'd like to provide my software as a nice Mac OS installer,
and I am back into the Mac OS jungle:

  Bundle                      = Mac OSX bundle
  DragNDrop                   = Mac OSX Drag And Drop
  OSXX11                      = Mac OSX X11 bundle
  PackageMaker                = Mac OSX Package Maker installer

Which one should I go with?
My current projects currently contains only command lines tools
which I expect to install "in standard place" (may be /usr?) on the Mac.
My project contains classic INSTALL commands and I can build
RPM, DEB and Archive Generator out of that without trouble.

Any help with that will be welcome.

My first try was to use PackageMaker since it seems to be used by CMake itself.
I manage to build the installer but it fails during the last step saying

"The installation has failed"
"contact the software editor" ....

DragNDrop builds OK but when I open the DMG file I don't know how to
install the file I see there.

I am a complete newbie with Mac OSX
(in fact the last time I touched a Mac it was running Mac OS 7 ....)

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