My project makes use of the CMake/CPack module
InstallRequiredSystemLibraries to package Microsoft Visual C Runtime
libraries with other build artifacts. Despite this and despite the
presence of appropriate-looking files showing up in the installed
image, my project does not run on XP and Vista machines unless the
user installs the vcredist package from Microsoft.

The VC runtime libraries provided by Microsoft and picked up by
CMake/CPack have a manifest version of 9.0.30729.4148. I believe this
version string refers to VS2008 SP1 + some hotfix. This seems
reasonable since my Windows build machine is running VS2008 SP1 + some

However, all the binaries produced by the build system have the
version sting 9.0.21022 embedded internally in a manifest.

I am not the first to encounter this problem and there are a number of
potential workarounds:

Options I can see:

1. Hack Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest and change the version string from
9.0.30729.4148 to 9.0.21022. This seems to work but obviously it seems
ugly and could easily have side effects.

2. #define _BIND_TO_CURRENT_VCLIBS_VERSION 1. This will work but it's
invasive: it must be set for all projects, it must be set early enough
that it's loaded before the Microsoft system header that defines the
default for this value, it must be set for all 3rdpartylibs used by
all projects.

3. Modify/hack/roll my own InstallRequiredSystemLibraries that grabs
an older 9.0.21022 version of the MSVC redistributable libraries
(perhaps from the WinSxS directory on my development system).

My question is: how are others handling this with CMake/CPack? Anyone
using one of the 3 approaches I outlined above? If so, pros/cons? If
not, what else can I try?

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