On 6/16/11 12:09 PM, Eric Noulard wrote:
2011/6/16 John R. Cary<c...@txcorp.com>:
I am using the TGZ packager.

Sorry, my error in not providing more complete info:

Which version of CMake/CPack ?
On which platform(s) ?

octet.cary$ cmake --version
cmake version 2.8.3
octet.cary$ uname -a
Linux octet.carys.home #1 SMP Thu Feb 11 07:06:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Do you use CPack alone or CMake+CPack?

I have CPACK inside my CMakeLists.txt.

My dist looks something like


  nextdir  link ->  nextdir/lowerdir


It seems that CPACK, instead of copying the link, follows the link
so that I get two copies of lowerdir.

Is this expected?
I guess not, symlinks should be packaged just fine on platform where
it is supported.

Can I change this behavior?
Where does the symlinks comes from ?
In which CMake INSTALL commands are they found?

if (NOT Win32)
    foreach (subdir foo bin current)
      execute_process(COMMAND ln -s Bar/\${subdir} .
    endforeach ()
endif ()

I use CMake generated symlinks (for versioned shared libs) all the time
and this works well with CPack TGZs?

I am using links for a directory instead of a library.
May be you can provide us with a minimal example project exhibiting the issue
or at least send us your CPackConfig.cmake file.

If the above does not immediately suggest a solution to someone, I
will create a test case.

Thx for your help.....John Cary
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