[Warning: I am a CMake beginner.]


This must have been asked many times, but I can't find the answer...
(I did look at the CMake FAQ.)

If I use the autotools and I want to make a Linux source code
distribution to a user who doesn't have the autotools installed, I
ship him the source together with script configure. Then, he can run:
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

How is one supposed to deliver a source package to a user who doesn't
have cmake installed?

http://www.cmake.org/cmake/help/cmake_tutorial.html#s6 contains a
simple CMake example that uses CPack. I downloaded the source code
The tutorial says:

    "To create a source distribution you would type
    cpack -C CPackSourceConfig.cmake"

but when I run this command, I get a package
(Tutorial-1.0.1-Linux.tar.gz) that contains these files:
* bin/libMathFunctions.a
* bin/Tutorial
* include/MathFunctions.h
* include/TutorialConfig.h

Hardly a source distribution to me.

I have Ubuntu, and cmake 2.8.0.

-- dave
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