Hi, 1. What is the rule file? 2. What is the logic by which this file is generated?
I have a list of src files that need to be generated, each by an ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND in a FOREACH loop: FOREACH(SRC ${SRC_LIST}) // no code here ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(...) // no code here ENDFOREACH(SRC) And all BUT the first generated SRC files get a SRC.rule file in the same build directory? Why this? Moreover, if I look in the vcxproj file generated I see that the <CustomBuild> is slightly different for the first SRC in the list. The first <CustomBuild> elements (for the 1st item in SRC_LIST) has as "Include" attribute the relative path (from the current build dir) to the MAIN_DEPENDENCY. The rest <CustomBuild> elements (for the rest items in SRC_LIST) have as "Include" attribute the relative path (from the current build dir) to the SRC.rule file. Why is this? -- MSc Gabriel Petrovay Mobile: +41(0)787978034 www.28msec.com
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