currently I use the following to update git submodules during the ctest: if (EXISTS "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/.gitmodules") execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule init WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}) # Update the sub modules execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}) endif () The problem here is that if a submodule has also submodules this doesnt work, so I tried it with: if (EXISTS "${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}/.gitmodules") execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule init WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}) # Update the sub modules execute_process (COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} submodule update --recursive WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY}) endif () The main problem here is that the submodule init command doesnt initialize recursive. Now, the question I want to ask is, if there is something in CMake/CTest which I can call or if someone has already solved this problem. Many thanks in advance Best Regards NoRulez
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