On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:23 AM, Glenn Coombs <glenn.coo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have just started using some externally supplied cmake projects in my
> cmake project.  To do this I added these lines to my top level
> CMakeLists.txt file:
> include(ExternalProject)
> ExternalProject_Add(external_proj
>     PREFIX                ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/external_proj
>     SOURCE_DIR            ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/external/proj/dir
>                           -DMETAGS_DIR=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/meta_install
>     INSTALL_COMMAND        ""
> )
> And that worked very well.  Inside Visual Studio when I build my project it
> automatically runs the cmake configure step for the external projects and
> builds them as well.  The problem I have just discovered is when using a
> build configuration other than the default ones.  I can build Debug and
> Release configurations fine.  My project also has a DebugOptimised
> configuration but the external projects don't.  When I try to build my
> project it fails to build the external projects.  I used build_command() to
> see what commands would be used to build each configuration and I can see
> the cause of the problem:
> Debug:          VCExpress.exe myProj.sln /build Debug          /project
> external_proj
> DebugOptimised: VCExpress.exe myProj.sln /build DebugOptimised /project
> external_proj
> Is there a way to tell cmake how to map my build configurations onto those
> that an external project has ?  In this case I would like to build the
> external project as Debug when I am building my project as DebugOptimised.
> --
> Glenn
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With Visual Studio builds, external projects get built (by default) with the
same configuration as the outer project. If you want a different
configuration built, then you will have to customize the BUILD_COMMAND. You
can look in the source for ExternalProject.cmake to see how the default
BUILD_COMMAND is constructed and go from there.

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