On Friday 29 July 2011, David Cole wrote:
> Hi all,
> Replies requested. Short replies only. Read on. Just a short reply with bug
> numbers or links to the bugs is all we need here. Please move specific
> discussions into the bugs themselves or start a new thread to talk about
> it... Replies on this thread should just be a collector for bug numbers.
> Example one-line reply:
>   http://public.kitware.com/Bug/view.php?id=8707
> We are planning for CMake 2.8.6 already, and it's going to be a compressed
> release cycle this time around. We're targeting Sept. 14, 2011 for
> releasing it, and in order to make that happen we'll have to do an "rc1"
> as early as Aug 10th or 17th... just 2 or 3 weeks from now.

>From the KDE point of view this is somewhat unfortunate, that exactly this 
cycle will be shorter.
Are there reasons for it ?

With the coming Qt5 and the binary break this causes in KDE we plan to also 
break binary compatibility once (while keeping source compatibility similar to 
Qt more or less completely).

With this break we will also use the chance to break our cmake source 
compatiblity once, the first time since KDE 4.0.0 in early 2007.
Which means we try to merge a lot of our stuff into cmake, and then depend on 
this version of cmake, i.e. 2.8.6.
2.8.7 will be released maybe around January or so, right ? This would be quite 
late for us.
This does not just mean merge, but also change it so it becomes acceptable for 
cmake, etc.

This is the list of files in KDE which are potential candidates for being 

Not all files listed on this page have realistic chances IMO.
But I'd really like to get rid of the copies in KDE of the files in the 
sections "2 Check*.cmake files", "3 Generic Macros" and "5.1.1 Find*.cmake 
from kdelibs which exist in cmake".

If you look there, already in these three sections there are still a lot of 
files marked as TODO.
Getting all that done until August 10th is hard, to say the least. Also now is 
the time for summer vacations, which makes it even more hard.

So, from our (KDE) side being able to work on the stuff listed on the page 
linked above until like end of September would be ideal.
(additionally there are the things like automoc which I already started 
discussing on the cmake developers list).


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