Thanks, Michael...

I'll give this another week or so here on the mailing list (and in the
bug tracker) to gather feedback.

If I don't hear anything else, I'll consider changing some
documentation to clarify the existing situation, but I don't see a
reasonable way to accommodate this feature request *and* maintain
backwards compatibility with existing real world uses of macro and if

David C.

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 3:39 AM, Michael Wild <> wrote:
> For most users, macros should be a taboo anyways. They are much better
> served by functions, IMHO. In all of my projects I had only one case
> where I actually needed a macro. That was when I wrapped a function
> that set some variables in the PARENT_SCOPE and I had to propagate them
> outside of the wrapping macro without knowing their name.
> Perhaps it would be enough to just properly document the quirky
> behaviour of macro arguments in the docs and mention that one should
> normally prefer functions over macros unless there is a real reason
> that requires a macro?
> Michael
> On Fri 12 Aug 2011 09:29:21 PM CEST, David Cole wrote:
>> Does anybody here on the list have an opinion one way or the other on
>> whether it's worth pursuing a fix to this re-opened bug regarding
>> CMake "macro" and "if" command behavior...?
>> Thanks for any input, either here on the list, or directly in the bug
>> notes themselves.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Mantis Bug Tracker <>
>> Date: Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 2:49 PM
>> Subject: [CMake 0012398]: "IF" infamous <variable/string>
>> functionality fails to work with macro arguments
>> To:
>> The following issue has been REOPENED.
>> ======================================================================
>> ======================================================================
>> Reported By:                freddie
>> Assigned To:                David Cole
>> ======================================================================
>> Project:                    CMake
>> Issue ID:                   12398
>> Category:                   CMake
>> Reproducibility:            always
>> Severity:                   major
>> Priority:                   normal
>> Status:                     feedback
>> ======================================================================
>> Date Submitted:             2011-08-12 08:13 EDT
>> Last Modified:              2011-08-12 14:49 EDT
>> ======================================================================
>> Summary:                    "IF" infamous <variable/string> functionality 
>> fails
>> to work with macro arguments
>> Description:
>> There is a problem with the "IF" command when it is used directly with macro
>> arguments. Apparently, they are not considered variables and are used 
>> directly
>> as strings.
>> However, if their contents can be construed as variables themselves (even 
>> though
>> it is not desired), we have a problem when the only way to perform the test 
>> is
>> to create another explicit variable assigning it to what the macro argument
>> contains.
>> The problem doesn't appear to pertain to functions.
>> Steps to Reproduce:
>> Please use the attached CMakeLists.txt file with "cmake -Wno-dev .".
>> Additional Information:
>> It would really be a good idea to create a version of if/elseif/else/endif 
>> which
>> does NOT attempt to treat its arguments as variables, either by creating a 
>> new
>> name for the command or, better yet, by adding a new policy (possibly not
>> associated with a version yet).
>> Otherwise, when trying to compare things which might be variables but should 
>> not
>> be treated as such for the purposes of the comparison, one runs into subtle
>> problems (when checks "randomly" fail) or has to create a level of 
>> indirection,
>> by setting a new variable just for that.
>> I am sure you've heard this all before.
>> ======================================================================
>> Relationships       ID      Summary
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> duplicate of        0009590 IF(VARIABLE) doesn't work inside Makro
>> ======================================================================
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  (0027199) freddie (reporter) - 2011-08-12 14:49
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Your comparison of macro with preprocessor macros makes sense. If only it 
>> worked
>> that way. In cmake language, ${foo} expands a variable; if ARGV0 is not a
>> variable, then you must either substitute ARGV0 for what was specified in the
>> parameter list for the macro, or use a different expansion {#{ARGV0}, for
>> instance); otherwise, people who can't be called stupid will keep running 
>> into
>> these problems.
>> However, the analogy stops there; FUNCTION is not equivalent to functions or
>> methods in C/C++ in the sense that variables are automatically local to the
>> function, and setting a variable in a different scope is problematic. If I 
>> have
>> a directory-specific variable that I set and append to in multiple places 
>> (I'd
>> call it namespace-specific), I can't use it here because it's hard to say how
>> many parent-scope levels up it is. So we end up using macros.
>> And about IF: I am not sure about this "worth the effort" statement. This
>> behaviour is quite unusual (I don't know of any other language that does 
>> this)
>> and, as it turns out, extremely inconvenient; forget that, after reading the
>> manual on IF and MACRO (and the IF epilogue) several times, I still ran into
>> problems as described in this bug. What about making it impossible to use the
>> macro arguments with IF completely and calling it a feature? Making it easy 
>> to
>> work with cmake and avoid peculiar bugs is probably more important.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  (0027198) David Cole (manager) - 2011-08-12 10:36
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> You're right... we've heard it before. :-)
>> It would be possible to change this via a cmake policy, but I'm not sure it's
>> worth the effort.
>> Think of CMake macro expansion as analogous to C preprocessor #define macro
>> expansion. The "arguments" to:
>>  #define  m(x, y, z)  ((x) < (y)) ? (z) : 0
>> are not C "variables", but that does not mean that such a construct is
>> useless...
>> Similarly with CMake macros: the macro arguments are not "variables" but they
>> are still useful to eliminate duplication when used appropriately.
>> As you've noted functions do have "real variables" as their arguments.
>> Use function if you need variables. If you must use a macro, and you must 
>> have
>> CMake variables, then you must make the CMake variables with set, as you've
>> noted...
>> Issue History
>> Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change
>> ======================================================================
>> 2011-08-12 08:13 freddie        New Issue
>> 2011-08-12 08:13 freddie        File Added: CMakeLists.txt
>> 2011-08-12 10:30 David Cole     Assigned To               => David Cole
>> 2011-08-12 10:30 David Cole     Status                   new => assigned
>> 2011-08-12 10:36 David Cole     Note Added: 0027198
>> 2011-08-12 10:36 David Cole     Relationship added       duplicate of 0009590
>> 2011-08-12 10:36 David Cole     Status                   assigned => resolved
>> 2011-08-12 10:36 David Cole     Fixed in Version          => CMake 2.8.6
>> 2011-08-12 10:36 David Cole     Resolution               open => duplicate
>> 2011-08-12 14:49 freddie        Note Added: 0027199
>> 2011-08-12 14:49 freddie        Status                   resolved => feedback
>> 2011-08-12 14:49 freddie        Resolution               duplicate => 
>> reopened
>> ======================================================================
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