2011/9/18 Kishore Jonnalagadda <kitts.mailingli...@gmail.com>:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Eric Noulard <eric.noul...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/9/17 Kishore Jonnalagadda <kitts.mailingli...@gmail.com>:
>>> In my project I am using the default component for all binaries and a "dev"
>>> component for headers.
>>> But when I create packages, it creates one called "Unspecified" and another
>>> called dev. How do I rename the unspecified component to be nameless?
>>> Something like myproj.deb and myproj-dev.deb?
>> In fact I think currently you can't.
>> or may be yo can try
>> which is not supposed to work but may be it will.
> You were right. Setting that variable did not help.

and as indicated by Alex, this can not work.
Currently CPack component aware generator do mangle the package name using
the name of the component.
This HAS TO BE this way because we want to be sure not to overwrite
one component
package with the other.

Now there is a possible workaround for your request if you do run cpack twice.

1) Generate all the "name-mangled" package:

    set(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL lib dev data)
    cpack -G DEB

2) Generate an all-in-one package which contains only one component
    (I suppose you 'main' component is called "main")

    cpack -D CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL="main" -D

   In this case (see
   your requested an "all-in-one" component package whose name is not mangled.
  All-in-one package is a way to tell "multi-file-component-aware"
package generator (RPM, DEB, Archive)

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