On 29.09.11 01:46, Michael Hertling wrote:
On 09/28/2011 01:45 PM, Martin Kupke wrote:
Now it seems to be solved, the generator is called and the generated
sources / headers are then compiled and linked into a library.
My changes are in the
just adding a add_custom_target( MyGeneratedSources ALL DEPENDS
${all_generated_srcs} ${all_generated_hdrs} )
Additionally I added in the root CMakeLists.txt
add_dependencies( ${MY_PROJECT} MyGeneratedSources )
This works fine.
Just two additional remarks:
- For ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT ...), it's documented explicitly
that relative paths after the OUTPUT clause will be interpreted
with respect to the current binary directory, so you may leave
out the leading ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIRECTORY} and specify
relative paths here. However, for the DEPENDS clause, there
is no such documentation.
That wasn't my problem, because I didn't work with relative paths.
But still good to know from where the relative path has to be seen,
thanks for the info!
- A custom command's OUTPUTs must be mentioned as other targets'
prerequisites, i.e. as source files in ADD_EXECUTABLE/LIBRARY()
or after the DEPENDS clause of ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET() in the same
CMakeLists.txt file. Otherwise, the rule for the then unused
OUTPUT is dropped, and it will never be generated. Thus, for
generated sources/headers, there should be no need for an
additional custom target as a custom command's anchor.
This info with the ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET is the most important thing.
Thanks for your answers.
On 28.09.11 13:34, Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
On 27.09.11 18:24, Michael Wild wrote:
On 09/27/2011 05:59 PM, Martin Kupke wrote:
in my project there is a subfolder which SHALL contain sources to
generate a library. The problem is that at startup of the project there
are no source files existing, because they will be generated by a code
generator. This means within the build process the code generator needs
to be called first, then generates the output files in the subfolder
then a library shall be generated from that source files (this are
standard .c and .h files). If I start the code generator by hand to
generate the source files and remove the custom command, then the
compilation is successful, but I want the code generator to be started
every time the configuration file for the code generator has changed.
In my sample below
* the driver.c would be one of the files which the code generator would
* the variable CodeGen is the executable tool (the code generator
* the variable CodeGenParam contains the parameters which are passed to
be able to generate without any user interaction
* the variable CodeGenConfig is the input file for the code generator
This subfolder contains its own CMakeLists.txt with the following
##################### snip #####################
project(CANstack C)
add_custom_command( OUTPUT driver.c
COMMAND ${CodeGen}
DEPENDS ${CodeGenConfig} )
file(GLOB CANstack_srcs "*.c")
file(GLOB CANstack_hdrs "*.h")
set(lib_name "CANstack")
add_library(${lib_name} STATIC ${CANstack_srcs} ${CANstack_hdrs})
##################### snap #####################
I don't get it work that the custom command is called and the source
files from the code generator are produced.
A few issues here:
- Never generate output in the source tree, only in the binary tree.
- Always use absolute paths with add_custom_command().
I use the absolute paths
- Always list *all* outputs after the OUTPUT argument, otherwise CMake
won't know that they are generated sources.
I added the list of *all* files which shall be generated
- Never use file(GLOB ...). It is evil. And breaks in your case. Just
I don't use the file(GLOB ...) anymore in this CMakeLists.txt
In case the generated output files already exist and the dependency file
${CodeGenConfig} has been touched, then the output will be generated.
Typically there is from beginning of the project no source file
existing, because the generator needs to be run first. If the output
files are not existing, then I get an error message from CMake:
##################### snip #####################
CMake Error at Generated/CarIF_Appl/CANstack/CMakeLists.txt:31
Cannot find source file:
Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm
.hxx .in .txx
##################### snap #####################
How do I have to instruct CMake to run the code generator first, so that
the library can be build of that sources?
Can you paste the relevant snippet from your new CMakeLists.txt?
You can try this first and see if it helps:
add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c
COMMAND ${CodeGen} {CodeGenParam}
DEPENDS ${CodeGenConfig} )
add_executable(myexe ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c)
Of course you must tell the CodeGen where to put the result, preferably by
passing "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/driver.c" as argument (with the
quotes, to make paths with spaces work right). If the generator can't
handle this you can try to set WORKING_DIRECTORY to
${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}, passing all other file arguments with
absolute paths then.
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*martin kupke*
can diagnostics engineer | senior software developer
*m*:+49.151.5511.3632| *e*:martin.ku...@novero.com
skype:martin.kupke_novero | w:www.novero.com <http://www.novero.com>
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