What is this extra chatty output from? I never remember seeing it in VS 2008, but I see it in VS 2010.
>------ Build started: Project: copy_scripts, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1>Build started 10/5/2011 12:38:07 PM. 1>InitializeBuildStatus: 1> Creating "x64\Release\copy_scripts\copy_scripts.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. 1>FinalizeBuildStatus: 1> Deleting file "x64\Release\copy_scripts\copy_scripts.unsuccessfulbuild". 1> Touching "x64\Release\copy_scripts\copy_scripts.lastbuildstate". 1> 1>Build succeeded. 3>------ Build started: Project: ALL_BUILD, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 3>Build started 10/5/2011 12:38:08 PM. 3>InitializeBuildStatus: 3> Creating "x64\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified. 3>CustomBuild: 3> Build all projects 3>FinalizeBuildStatus: 3> Deleting file "x64\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.unsuccessfulbuild". 3> Touching "x64\Release\ALL_BUILD\ALL_BUILD.lastbuildstate". 3> 3>Build succeeded. I'm using VS 2010 and CMake 2.8.6 (2.8.5 also did this). When I click "build solution" it always seems to run this, as if VS thinks that the dependencies aren't met and decides to build it. Hmm... I wonder if this is related to the bug where we removed the %(Outputs) from the Outputs field. C:/code/rtsdk/rtmain/build-64-vs10-c40/tests/Regression/scripts/CMakeFiles/copy_scripts.rule;C:\code\rtsdk\rtmain\build-64-vs10-c40\bin\correctness.rb;C:\code\rtsdk\rtmain\build-64-vs10-c40\bin\performance.rb;C:\code\rtsdk\rtmain\build-64-vs10-c40\bin\run_tests.rb;C:\code\rtsdk\rtmain\build-64-vs10-c40\bin\test_cases.rb;%(AdditionalInputs) I removed the $(AdditionalInputs), and that didn't seem to make a difference. One thing that is curious is that I have this for the Outputs field, but that doesn't exist anywhere: C:\code\rtsdk\rtmain\build-64-vs10-c40\tests\Regression\scripts\CMakeFiles\copy_scripts How is it that we have a build rule that says it generates a particular output, but the output isn't generated by the rule. This is what I used to create this target: foreach( script ${scripts} ) set( src "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${script}" ) set( dest "${CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${script}" ) list( APPEND dest_files "${dest}" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${dest}" COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${src}" "${dest}" MAIN_DEPENDENCY "${src}" COMMENT "Copying ${src} to ${dest}" VERBATIM ) endforeach() add_custom_target( copy_scripts ALL DEPENDS ${dest_files} ) Note that I have the same problem with the ALL_BUILD target. James
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