Bumping this in hopes for some help!

Robert Dailey

On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did some searching and on stackoverflow I found a post that had code in
> it to provide precompiled header support:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148570/using-pre-compiled-headers-with-cmake
> Below is the relevant macro I am using from that post. Unfortunately this
> does not seem to work when generating for VS2008 or VS 2003. For some reason
> the CPP files other than the precompiled source itself do not have the
> "Using precompiled headers" option set on them when I view that file's
> properties.
> What improvements could be made to this macro? I'm not familiar at all with
> the command line parameters so I'm hoping someone can help me out.
> macro( set_precompiled_header pch_header pch_source source )
>   IF(MSVC)
>     GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(PrecompiledBasename ${PrecompiledHeader}
>     SET(PrecompiledBinary
> "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PrecompiledBasename}.pch")
>     SET(Sources ${${SourcesVar}})
>     SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${PrecompiledSource}
>                                 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS
> "/Yc\"${PrecompiledHeader}\" /Fp\"${PrecompiledBinary}\""
>                                            OBJECT_OUTPUTS
> "${PrecompiledBinary}")
>                                 PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS
> "/Yu\"${PrecompiledBinary}\" /FI\"${PrecompiledBinary}\"
> /Fp\"${PrecompiledBinary}\""
>                                            OBJECT_DEPENDS
> "${PrecompiledBinary}")
> endmacro()
> ---------
> Robert Dailey

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