2011/10/29 Robert Dailey <rcdai...@gmail.com>:
> I have several complex functions which require a ton of documentation. I
> wanted to type this documentation directly in the cmake file right above the
> function() itself, but it is turning out to be a formatting nightmare.

What kind of formatting do you need?

> What would you guys recommend as far as this kind of documentation goes?

My opinion is that the documentation of a CMake macro/function should stay
in the same file as macros/function and find a way to extract doc.

CMake can already extract the documentation header from a module using:

cmake --help-module

try for example
cmake --help-module CPack

But you do not get much of formatting, now try the following:

cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=. --help-module Blah | tail -n +2 | head -n
-1 | rst2html > Blah.html

with the attached potential "Blah.cmake" script and open the html file.

> It would be great if doxygen could scan CMake scripts and generate HTML
> documentation out of them, but I don't know if this is possible.

The previous idea was for module and not for "function/macro" header
like Doxygen does.
But may be by defining some reST role
we could define relatively good formatting.

Currently CMake --help-module does not seek documentation inside the
cmake script file
after the initial comment blocks stops.
But may be we could change that.

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
# - This is the Blah module
# This module is documented using reStructuredText syntax.
# With reST, I can use **bold** typeface and *italic* too.
# and as you can see http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html, hyperlink
# are handled as well.
# One can use this small sample module in order to evaluate the possibilities
# of using reStructuredText from within CMake comments.
# ``cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=. --help-module Blah | rst2html > Blah.html`` [#]_
# Currently there are several drawbacks to CMake *--help-module* formatting:
#    * CMake is eating new lines
#    * CMake does something odd with '-,=,*' characters in column 3
#      so that you can't use reST `sectioning format
#      <http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html#section-structure>`_.
#    * CMake is putting extra indentation at the beginning and an extra line
#      at the end. On Linux you can strip them out using extra piped commande like this one:
#      ``cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=. --help-module Blah | tail -n +2 | head -n -1 | rst2html > Blah.html``
#    * CMake may be breaking lines at inappropriate places.
# However this is already usable:
#    #. because it provides already rich markup
#    #. because the pure text version is readable too
#    #. because you may transform the reST into various nicer output
# .. [#] or you can use alternate output format from docutils.

# Suppress this line and the previous blank one
# .. role:: param(emphasis)
# .. role:: macro(strong)
# :macro:`mblah`
#   * :param:`arg1` : should be the first argument
#   * :param:`arg2` : should be the second argument
#  Unfortunately this is not parsed by --help⁻module
macro(mblah arg1 arg2)
  message("mblah called with: ${arg1} ${arg2}"

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