
I am new to Xcode and I am currently trying to replicate existing Xcode 
projects (i manually created) with CMake for future portability reasons. 
Anyways, I am experiencing some weirdness when trying to build a static library 
using the Xcode generator. Here is an excerpt of the CMake script:

                #find boost
                set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON)
                find_package(Boost COMPONENTS system thread chrono REQUIRED)
                include_directories( ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR} )

                #add other things...

                add_library(MotorCore STATIC ${sources})
                target_link_libraries(MotorCore ${Boost_LIBRARIES})

Boost is found, the static library libMotorCore.a builds fine in Xcode. What 
makes me wondering though is that there is no hint inside Xcode about the 
linking with boost system, thread or chrono. Neither in the library search 
paths, nor in a Link Binary with Libraries build phase. Now if I add the 
libMotorCore.a to another project i get lots of linker errors related to boost. 
if I manually add a Link Binary with Libraries  build phase in the CMake 
generated Xcode project, things work as expected, and boost gets properly 
linked. Am I doing something wrong? 
Is there any way to link libraries in CMake that works like Xcode's Link Binary 
with Libraries build phase?

Thanks for your time!

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