On Dec 4, 2011, at 11:59 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:

> On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:56 PM, Matthew LeRoy wrote:
>> We began using CMake a few months ago for a couple of small cross-platform 
>> projects, and we're still
>> learning all the ins and outs and capabilities CMake has to offer, as well 
>> as how to get the most
>> out of CMake by using it "The Right Way". Right now, we're trying to figure 
>> out how to link
>> to external libraries that don't have "find" modules or CMake config-mode 
>> files. After lots of
>> reading in the wiki, mailing list, etc, it seems like there are several 
>> different ways to do
>> this, like writing "find" modules and/or config-mode files ourselves, using 
>> command, importing/exporting targets, and others. What we're unsure of is, 
>> what is the "preferred"
>> or "officially supported" method?
>> To be a little more specific, we have two different library projects (call 
>> them ProjectA and
>> ProjectB) that both use CMake, but are developed independently. Further, 
>> ProjectB depends (or will
>> depend) on ProjectA; we've just recently gotten to the point on ProjectB 
>> where we want to use some
>> of the functionality in ProjectA, so we need to link to the ProjectA 
>> library(ies). At first we
>> thought we needed to write a "find" module for ProjectA -- but we really 
>> have very little idea how
>> to go about doing that. Other than the wiki page for finding libraries that 
>> talks a little about
>> writing "find" modules 
>> (http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/CMake:How_To_Find_Libraries), is there any other
>> documentation for writing a proper "find" module? Is there a particular 
>> module that ships with CMake
>> that is well-written that we should look at as a guide?
> I had a project that I developed a few years back which was very close to 
> your situation. My project, call it "MXA", was the base library that got used 
> in a number of other projects. What I ended up doing was creating a 
> "FindMXA.cmake" file that got configured during the actual build of MXA to 
> make sure all the proper library names and location of resource files were 
> set correctly. Then I would install the MXA project into an external location 
> on my system, say /Users/Shared/Toolkits (OS X). I would manually copy the 
> FindMXA.cmake file to the other projects so that they could have the find 
> module available. In the beginning this made for a lot of manual copying when 
> MXA was changing a bunch but once MXA settled down to a consistent naming 
> scheme the "FindMXA.cmake" file never changed and so I found I did not have 
> to update the "FindMXA.cmake" file in the other projects that depended on MXA.
>  I think in more recent years the CMake developers would rather see people 
> create the CMake Export files instead of developing the Find* module for my 
> project. In the end I just didn't have the time to properly investigate and 
> implement the CMake Export file so I never did it.
> I think if the CMake community took a vote we could probably come up with an 
> "Exemplar" Find*.cmake file that is good for someone trying to develop a new 
> one. The issues that arise are that each of the projects that have a 
> "Find*.cmake" file are usually different in subtle ways which leads to issues 
> when you try to simply "copy/paste" from an existing module to create a new 
> module. It really just depends on what your "ProjectA" has installed. I am 
> going to provide my current "FindMXA.cmake" file at the end of this email and 
> leave it open for criticism/corrections. Maybe it will spur a conversation 
> that we can all benefit from.

Believe it or not, I've already been using your MXADataModel project as my main 
'exemplar' CMake-based project. I had read several messages from you in the 
archives when I was first getting started with CMake, and I think at least one 
of them also mentioned MXA, so I went to your website and saw that the source 
was available so I thought I'd take a peek.

Anyway, let me clarify a little bit what we're trying to accomplish. We are 
indeed trying to treat ProjectA and ProjectB as completely independent projects 
(as Alan has suggested), and our plan is to version ProjectA and do drops at 
specific milestones. ProjectB will use only the binary distribution of 
ProjectA. We would like to make it so that ProjectB's source tree in version 
control is entirely self-contained, so that we can simply sync down a local 
copy in a fresh development environment and compile without having to 'install' 
ProjectA first. Better yet, we may want to sync multiple copies of ProjectB's 
source tree in separate locations on the same system, from different instances 
in time where the version of ProjectA in use is different, and be able to build 
and debug both separate copies of ProjectB without having to worry about having 
multiple versions of ProjectA 'installed'. Our thought here is to have part of 
ProjectA's source tree be a collection of binary distribu
 tions of the various independent components that is uses - one of which is 

That being said, we are traditionally a Windows development shop and have 
little experience setting up source trees in anything other than the "Visual 
Studio" style of one root folder for the solution and subfolders for each 
"project" in the solution, where everything is somewhat idiot-proof. I realize 
that it's a bit beyond the scope of the CMake mailing list to be discussing the 
finer points of source tree structure for general C++ programming, but we're 
open to whatever suggestions (or pointers to other references) anyone may have 
as to the best way to go about accomplishing what we're after, CMake-related or 

For the time being, I'll take a look at the FindMXA.cmake file to get an idea 
of how I might write a Find* module for our ProjectA, since it sounds like 
using CMake EXPORT files to accomplish what I described above may not be 
possible. Your comments regarding the recent preference of using CMake EXPORT 
files instead of Find* modules are exactly the kind of info I was looking for 
originally, however.


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