On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Schuchard, Matthew
<matthew.schuch...@gtri.gatech.edu> wrote:
> I am having this strange issue with building a library and then linking it
> to an executable.
> If I have the following in my CMakeList:
> add_library(libfoo.a ${srcfiles})
> add_executable(foo_exec.Fx foo_exec.F)
> target_link_libraries(foo_exec.Fx libfoo.a)
> I get an error returned of “no rule to make target libfoo.a needed by
> foo_exec.Fx.”
> I should mention I have library prefixes and suffixes turned off for both
> linking and building, meaning that the full filename of libraries are
> specified (hence the libfoo.a and not just foo).
> But if I change my CMakeList to:
> add_library(libfoo.a ${srcfiles})
> #add_executable(foo_exec.Fx foo_exec.F)
> #target_link_libraries(foo_exec.Fx libfoo.a)
> It builds libfoo.a without any complaint.  When I uncomment the executable
> lines after building libfoo.a via the above, the library is linked to the
> executable with no complaints.
> I might also mention since the Fortran compiler used is ABSoft and I am
> building on a 64-bit Redhat system, the linker I am using for Fortran
> executables is g++, but that may be irrelevant.
> How do I specify that the library needs to be built before the executable
> which links to it, so that CMake does not return an error when it tries to
> build and link the executable before building its dependent library?
> This almost seems like a bug in CMake.
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Try this:

  add_library(foo ${srcfiles})
  add_executable(foo_exec.Fx foo_exec.F)
  target_link_libraries(foo_exec.Fx foo)

CMake will automatically add the "lib" prefix and the ".a" suffix to
the actually built library file. "foo" is the CMake target name for
the libfoo.a library in this case.

I don't know why it should matter, but perhaps the target name
"libfoo.a" is confounding things somehow.


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