Hello Alexander,

Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2011 um 21:19:04 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> On Monday 19 December 2011, Benjamin Eikel wrote:
> > Hello Alexander,
> > 
> > Am Montag, 12. Dezember 2011, 21:51:54 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> > > Here is an example which shows just that:
> > > https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdeexamples/repository/revisions/
> > > ma st er/show/buildsystem/HowToInstallALibrary
> > > 
> > > It's not "final" yet, i.e. I'll work on improving it in the next weeks.
> > 
> > thank you very much for this example project. It helped me a lot to
> > understand especially the EXPORT usage.
> > 
> > I know that you wrote that the project is not finished yet, but allow me
> > to ask a question:
> > 
> > In the "example/CMakeLists.txt": Is line 5, which calls
> > "include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs)", really needed? I think if
> > BAR_FOUND would be checked, it should be called.
> Line 6 is commented out because it relies on a feature in cmake 2.8.3, but
> when I committed the example I made it depend only on 2.6.4.
> Does that answer your question ?

Yes, it's clear now.

> > I would greatly appreciate it if you could extend the example, or provide
> > a second example, that uses an external library. So for example a
> > library Foo depending on LibXml2. Some functionality of Foo depends on
> > whether LibXml2 was found or not. Therefore it creates "Foo_Config.h"
> > with
> > "configure_file" defining something like LIB_XML2. I would like to see
> > how this could be correctly installed and found by an application using
> > Foo. Would it be simply adding the config header file to the set of
> > exported header files?
> I'd put that information into the installed FooConfig.cmake, something

Okay. Then it would be possible to set compile definitions depending on this 
variable. But it would only work for projects using CMake, too. The header file 
could be used by projects using any build system.

Thank you!

Kind regards

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