On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Axel Roebel <axel.roe...@ircam.fr> wrote:
> On 4/1/12 5:05 PM, David Cole wrote:
>> What project are you running through CMake? Is it available for us to
>> try to reproduce here?
> It is the SDIF/EASDIF_SDIF project that is on sourceforge.
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/sdif/files/Easdif/
>> I've not heard of anything like this...
> Thanks for the feedback. So I took the cmake sources and compiled in
> debug mode to see what is the problem. In my opinion there is a bug in
>  cmGlobalXCodeGenerator::CreateBuildSettings
> in function ExtractFlag(const char* flag, std::string& flags)
> In my case I loop endlessly in
>  std::string gflag = this->ExtractFlag("-g", flags);
> while I have these flags
> -DGCC_HAS_VISIBILITY -fvisibility=hidden -fstrict-aliasing
> -maccumulate-outgoing-args     -DNDEBUG -DNDEBUG -funroll-loops -Wall
> -Wno-switch -Wno-unused-function -finline-limit=5000 --param
> large-function-insns=5000 --param large-function-growth=500 --param
> inline-unit-growth=100 -fPIC
> You see the -g is not there but something is found here
> inline-unit-growth=100 -fPIC
> and as the function is implemented
> it does not handle this case correctly.
> I suggest the following fix for the ExtractfFlag function
> that ensures that a flag that is found will never be refound even
> if it is nor removed (see FIX section below). The fix works for me.
> std::string cmGlobalXCodeGenerator::ExtractFlag(const char* flag,
>                                                std::string& flags)
> {
>  std::string retFlag;
>  std::string::size_type pos = flags.rfind(flag);
>  bool saved = false;
>  while(pos != flags.npos)
>    {
>    if(pos == 0 || flags[pos-1]==' ')
>      {
>      while(pos < flags.size() && flags[pos] != ' ')
>        {
>        if(!saved)
>          {
>          retFlag += flags[pos];
>          }
>        flags[pos] = ' ';
>        pos++;
>        }
>      }
>    saved = true;
>    // FIX IS HERE
>    // original version
>    // pos = flags.rfind(flag);
>    // corrected version
>    if(pos)
>      pos = flags.rfind(flag, pos-1);
>    else
>      pos = flags.npos;
>    // END OF FIX
>    }
>  return retFlag;
> }
> Cheers
> Axel
>> Can you use Activity Monitor to inspect the process and grab a sample
>> showing a call stack of what's happening when it's "hung"?
>> Does CMake have any child processes that run during the configure of
>> this project? (i.e. -- do you call execute_process with anything)
>> What else did you upgrade at the same time? :-)
>> Thx,
>> David
>> On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:08 AM, Axel Roebel <axel.roe...@ircam.fr> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I just upgraded from 2.8.1 to 2.8.6 to be able to use the recently added
>>> generator expressions in add_custom_command. Unfortunately, whenever I
>>> try to generate a project for Xcode (Mac OSX 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.6) the
>>> project generator (command line as well as gui) hangs in the last phase
>>> when it writes the project files. Is Xcode 3.2.6 no longer supported, or
>>> does anybody have an idea what might be the problem?
>>> I used cmake that comes from macports repository, but after that failed
>>> I tried version 2.8.7 from the cmake download page, but that gave the
>>> same  result (None).
>>> Cheers
>>> Axel
>>> --
>>> Axel Roebel
>>> Head of the Analysis/Synthesis Team, IRCAM
>>> Phone: ++33-1-4478 4845 | Fax: ++33-1-4478 1540
>>> --
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> --
> Axel Roebel
> Head of the Analysis/Synthesis Team, IRCAM
> Phone: ++33-1-4478 4845 | Fax: ++33-1-4478 1540

Wow. Nice, quick work.

Thanks for the patch. I'll get it applied and pushed to our 'next'
branch so this can get into the next release...


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