On Sun, Jan 8, 2012 at 7:29 AM, Renato Utsch <renatout...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I have been experimenting some issue with visual studio and
> couldn't fix them, even when searching in google for help :O
> So, I have 2 main issues:
> 1. When CMake creates the visual studio solution, it configures to the
> "Debug win32" mode, but I wanted to be able to choose from "Release"
> to "Debug".
> Changing the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release" didn't seem to help...
This can't be configured by CMake, because the current configuration is
stored in a binary format file along side the solution file.  This file
contains all sorts of things such as all the arguments for the Debugger
panel.  I don't remember what the name of the file is offhand, because I'm
not at my windows machine at the moment.  This file is created after you
first open the solution file.  What this means, though is there really
isn't a good way for CMake to change what the default build configuration

As far as I can tell VS just picks the first configuration.  I don't know
if it's simply an alphabetical choice or the first configuration in the
projects.  Some simple experiments with hand modifying the project files
could yield the answer.  If it's based on the order in the project files,
CMake could be able to write the files differently, but if VS is being
clever and simply sorting them in ASCII order then it's game over.


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