Please reply to the list also so others may help.

 Can you use either ccmake or CMake-GUI to set the necessary flag? 
Mike Jackson <>

On Mar 30, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Carlo Nicolini wrote:

> As you said the architecture of QtGui library is:
> /Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/QtGui: Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked 
> shared library x86_64
> so I've added in my CMakeLists.txt the following command
> but I still get that error :(
> These are for info, the compiler options which are issued by QtCreator for 
> the same project which works that way
> g++-4.0 -c -pipe -g -gdwarf-2 -arch x86_64 -Xarch_x86_64 
> -mmacosx-version-min=10.5 -Wall -W -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED 
> -I/usr/local/Qt4.8/mkspecs/macx-g++40 -I. 
> -I/Library/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/4/Headers 
> -I/usr/include/QtCore 
> -I/Library/Frameworks/QtGui.framework/Versions/4/Headers -I/usr/include/QtGui 
> -I/usr/include -I. -I. -F/Library/Frameworks -o main.o main.cpp
> As it can be seen , there are different options from the options issued by 
> cmake (I set verbosity 1)
> /opt/local/bin/c++    -Wl,-search_paths_first 
> -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names   CMakeFiles/QtTest.dir/main.cpp.o 
> CMakeFiles/QtTest.dir/mainwindow.cpp.o 
> CMakeFiles/QtTest.dir/moc_mainwindow.cxx.o  -o 
>  -framework QtGui -framework QtCore 
> 2012/3/30 Michael Jackson <>
> The error is this:
> > ld warning: in /Library/Frameworks//QtGui.framework/QtGui, file is not of 
> > required architecture
> Your program is compiling for one architecture but the Qt libs are compiled 
> for another. My guess is that you are default compiling for 32 bit (since 
> that is the default under 10.5.8) but the Qt 4.8.1 libraries are 64 bit. You 
> can check this but issuing the following command:
> file /Library/Frameworks//QtGui.framework/QtGui
> and the output will tell you what architectures are present in the library.
> Then add the "x86_64" flag for the OS_X_ARCHITECTURES to your cmake cache 
> using either ccmake or CMake-GUI.
> Hope that helps
> ___________________________________________________________
> Mike Jackson                    Principal Software Engineer
> BlueQuartz Software                            Dayton, Ohio
> On Mar 30, 2012, at 8:55 AM, Carlo Nicolini wrote:
> > I've a very strange problem while trying to compile a the example provided 
> > at
> >
> >
> >
> > System Informations:
> > Mac OSX 10.5.8
> >
> > cmake version 2.8.7 installed from latest dmg package available
> > Qt 4.8.1 Installed from latest repositories
> >
> > I issue the following commands in the QtTest-Package example
> > cmake .
> > make
> >
> > I kept the original CMakeLists.txt unmodified but at last stage, the linker 
> > can't find symbols and this is the output:
> >
> > ld warning: in /Library/Frameworks//QtGui.framework/QtGui, file is not of 
> > required architecture
> > ld warning: in /Library/Frameworks//QtCore.framework/QtCore, file is not of 
> > required architecture
> > Undefined symbols:
> >   "QWidget::languageChange()", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::createPopupMenu()", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::windowActivationChange(bool)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::QWidget(QWidget*, QFlags<Qt::WindowType>)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QApplication::QApplication(int&, char**, int)", referenced from:
> >       _main in main.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)", referenced 
> > from:
> >       MainWindow::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**)in 
> > moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QApplication::exec()", referenced from:
> >       _main in main.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::macEvent(OpaqueEventHandlerCallRef*, OpaqueEventRef*)", 
> > referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName(QObject*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "typeinfo for QMainWindow", referenced from:
> >       typeinfo for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::addToolBar(QToolBar*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery) const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(bool)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::devType() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::setMenuBar(QMenuBar*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMenuBar::QMenuBar(QWidget*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QMainWindow::~QMainWindow()", referenced from:
> >       MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       MainWindow::~MainWindow()in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       MainWindow::~MainWindow()in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       MainWindow::~MainWindow()in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::styleChange(QStyle&)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::setVisible(bool)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::fontChange(QFont const&)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QObject::eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::resize(QSize const&)", referenced from:
> >       QWidget::resize(int, int)in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::paletteChange(QPalette const&)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::minimumSizeHint() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::QMainWindow(QWidget*, QFlags<Qt::WindowType>)", referenced 
> > from:
> >       MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget*)in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QMainWindow::setStatusBar(QStatusBar*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QObject::objectName() const", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "non-virtual thunk to QWidget::metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric) 
> > const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::paintEngine() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::event(QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::moveEvent(QMoveEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "non-virtual thunk to QWidget::paintEngine() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "non-virtual thunk to QWidget::devType() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QString::free(QString::Data*)", referenced from:
> >       QString::~QString()in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::qt_metacast(char const*)", referenced from:
> >       MainWindow::qt_metacast(char const*)in moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::heightForWidth(int) const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::staticMetaObject", referenced from:
> >       MainWindow::staticMetaObject        in moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QObject::setObjectName(QString const&)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::enabledChange(bool)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QString::fromUtf8(char const*, int)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QMainWindow::setCentralWidget(QWidget*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QObject::customEvent(QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::changeEvent(QEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::showEvent(QShowEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QObject::disconnectNotify(char const*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QStatusBar::QStatusBar(QWidget*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QApplication::~QApplication()", referenced from:
> >       _main in main.cpp.o
> >       _main in main.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::setWindowTitle(QString const&)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::retranslateUi(QMainWindow*)        in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QCoreApplication::translate(char const*, char const*, char const*, 
> > QCoreApplication::Encoding)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::retranslateUi(QMainWindow*)        in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QWidget::metric(QPaintDevice::PaintDeviceMetric) const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::sizeHint() const", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QObject::connectNotify(char const*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QToolBar::QToolBar(QWidget*)", referenced from:
> >       Ui_MainWindow::setupUi(QMainWindow*)       in mainwindow.cpp.o
> >   "QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> >   "QWidget::actionEvent(QActionEvent*)", referenced from:
> >       vtable for MainWindowin moc_mainwindow.cxx.o
> > ld: symbol(s) not found
> > collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> > make[2]: *** [] Error 1
> > make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/QtTest.dir/all] Error 2
> > make: *** [all] Error 2
> >
> >
> > Trying to build the same example under QtCreator works smoothly, as well in 
> > my system as in another Linux box.
> >
> > What can be the error here?
> >
> > Many thanks in advance
> > --
> >
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> >
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> >
> -- 
> Carlo Nicolini
> LION Laboratory (Machine Learning and Intelligent Optimization)
> DISI - Dipartimento di Scienza ed Ingegneria dell'Informazione
> Universita' di Trento
> Via Sommarive, 14
> 38100 Trento (Italy)
> ......................................................................
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> - personal


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