I meant to say 'the approach you use doesn't work, because imported
libraries are targets to are targets to which you CANNOT add

On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Kent Williams
<nkwmailingli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That seems like it should work, but it actually does not.
> There's two types of precedence in CMake.
> 1. Textual -- as CMake munches through a project and its subdirectory,
> it generates a build system where the build order is the same as the
> textual order.  In a single process build, for example:
> project(x)
> add_library(xlib ...)
> add_executable(xexec ...)
> 'xlib' will get built before 'xexec'
> 2. The dependency graph.  Targets which do not depend on any other
> target get built first, then targets that depend on the 'leaf'
> targets.  In the example above, adding
> target_link_libraries(xexec xlib)
> will make 'xexec' depend on 'xlib', and even if you build using more
> than one process (i.e. make -j 8), xexec will be built after xlib.
> I've verified that the approach you use below doesn't work, because
> imported libraries are targets to which you can add dependencies.  I
> tried this approach and it didn't work -- in fact that is what my
> original e-mail is about.
> David Cole indicated in essence, I was doing it wrong.  My position is
> that it's the only way to do it without completely revamping the ITK
> build system, which is above my pay grade.
> I thought of a sneaky workaround:  Create a dummy library, with one
> object file that does nothing, and will never actually be loaded.
> Make the dummy library depend on the ExternalProject target, and add
> it to library list along with the ExternalProject's libraries.
> But that seems kind of ugly, creating a library no program actually needs.
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Stefan Reuschl <li...@stefanreuschl.de> 
> wrote:
>> The following once worked fine for me using CMake 2.8.8:
>> ExternalProject_Add( ep )
>> add_library( epLib IMPORTED )
>> set_target_properties( epLib PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ... )
>> add_dependencies( epLib ep )

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